Monday, October 24, 2011

Individualized treatment & fertility: that's Chinese Medicine

Another conception success! And this after the patient had been to a "fertility retreat" where she, and everyone else, was told to become gluten and dairy free plus a number of other things that needed to be done each and every day. She was a "mess" by the time I saw her. She had lost 11 lbs (I told her to gain it back) and the dairy & gluten thing. Really? This was a practitioner of Chinese Medicine giving "blanket advice" to the entire group? REPEAT AFTER ME: One of the real beauties of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the treatment of the individual. Everyone does not get the same treatment - or shouldn't if your practitioner is in tune with YOUR energy patterns. I don't like to have to say "buyer beware" but you are when you choose a physician or a massage therapist, right? Most people don't go to just anyone out of the phone book. Don't be afraid to ask the practitioner about his or her theory about Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, herbal prescriptions, and the other TCM therapies. This medicine's promise is to treat YOU, not give out blanket prescription medicine. So with this patient, I told her to get back on dairy, to quit some of her daily activities that were creating more stress (so much so that she hired a nanny so she could do all of these recommended activities), and to take herbs. Success is in the treatment of the individual not a group setting where everyone takes the same advice or prescription.

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