Friday, January 18, 2013

"My pulses were purring" ... that's how balance feels. Come get some.

I just started treating a SWAC (SW Acupuncture College) student who told me that her "pulses were purring after the treatment".  This is how balance feels and she knows it.  Stress wrecks the body.  The hormones and adrenaline that stress cranks up create raised blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol that causes inflammation.  Not a pretty picture.  Cortisol further makes muscles and bones lose mass, weakens the immune system, makes our sleep less restful, and if that's not enough it can also reduce our cognitive ability.

Acupuncture creates balance; it minimizes the effect of stress on your body.  Come get it!

Insurance billing: As a service to you, we find out whether or not your health insurance covers acupuncture and when it does we bill your insurance.  There are plans that cover it, some pay for unlimited visits.  Why not be healthier?  That's what the insurance company realizes - preventing surgeries, the use of expensive pain killers, and your having to have medical procedures saves them (and you!) money.  And even preventing the common cold saves your employer money.
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