Monday, September 19, 2011

Acupuncture, tea, and digestion

One of the benefits to those who come to me for Traditional Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture treatment is that I am fairly fanatical about working to improve the digestion. And, I am a font of nutritional advice for you! Good digestion is one of the key ingredients is maintaining a vibrant life – actually, it’s pretty much THE key since digestion is how we make our qi. It is where we create the energy on which we live. When your digestion runs smoothly, you get the maximum nutrients from your food that keep your body functioning in peak condition. Unfortunately our society is marked by poor digestion – whether that be caused by inadequate chewing, stress, poor choice of foods (and non-foods), medication & supplement side-effects, etc. Here are some things that you can try at home for better digestion (and therefore better qi production!!)

Peppermint tea improves gastric secretions, settles the stomach, and alleviates gas. But, be aware that it may cause some acid reflux if you already suffer from it.

Chamomile tea settles the stomach – it’s actually a good all around relaxer.

Ginger … ahh, ginger. Ginger has been known practically forever to benefit those who suffer from nausea. But it also soothes the stomach’s digestive lining and balances gastric juices. It actually can help us absorb nutrients better. Be careful to use a very thin slice of fresh ginger because, like peppermint, it can cause acid reflux.

I also highly recommend fennel tea. Fennel improves peristalsis so it’s great for good digestion. Or try this prescription: flash fry fennel seeds, keep a bowl on the kitchen table, eat before, during, after meals.

Licorice (tea not candy) soothes the gastro-intestinal system.

If tea isn’t your “bag”, you can drink warm lemon water to receive a number of benefits including cleaning out your intestines first thing in the AM. Try some of these natural digestive aids and let me know how it works for you. And don’t forget to call me if you want help regulating your digestion and your creation of qi using TCM/Acupuncture. It works!!

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