Acupuncture and Female Sexual Dysfunction
Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) includes disturbances in the sexual response cycle resulting in marked distress and interpersonal difficulty capable of altering quality of life adversely. FSD is a common phenomenon affecting up to 26%–71% of the general female population! The umbrella term FSD subsumes four disorders:
(1) hypoactive sexual desire disorder - effective treatments for HSDD are lacking;
(2) female sexual arousal disorder - pharmaceuticals have not been shown to be effective for women;
(3) orgasmic disorder; and
(4) sexual pain disorder.
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is the most common and clinically significant sexual com- plaint in women.
I read a pilot study that assessed immediate and longer-term effects of acupuncture quantitatively on symptoms related to female sexual dysfunction, using global- and specific-symptom instruments.
Results of acupuncture for treating FSD:
Sexual desire improved as identified by two instruments,
Psychological symptoms were also reduced, and
Acupuncture reduced anxiety, reduced sexual dysfunction, and improved urogenital symptoms.
This study suggests benefit from acupuncture treatment for several aspects of Female Sexual Dysfunction. Women should be aware that, for those who do not want or who cannot tolerate hormone therapy, lifestyle changes, or counseling for FSD, acupuncture may be an acceptable alternative treatment. Furthermore, declines in mental health associated with FSD may also be responsive to acupuncture.
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