Thursday, March 22, 2012

Acupuncture: another study showing its effects on the brain - and therefore the body

I love these studies that show how acupuncture affects the brain. Yes, it's true. Why do you think it works so well to reduce the effects of stress?
If that's not a strong enough reason to receive acupuncture, how about these?
- it improves immune system function
- reduces inflammation (one of the ways it improves the immune system)
- rebuilds digestion so you make better quality qi (energy)
- can help you avoid surgery for chronic issues like back pain (true!!)
- got sciatica? Acupuncture works!
- and it can help reduce lines and wrinkles if you are interested in maintaining your youthful appearance.
Call 303-947-6224 or email me at
We bill health insurance.

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